Industry Pharmaceuticals Mkt.Cap (₹ Cr.) 89,867.80 Book Value (₹) 342.62 FV/M/L 2/1
ISIN No INE326A01037 52 Week H/L 2,402.90/1,493.30 Price (₹) 1,968.45 EPS (₹) 41.93
BSE Code 500257 NSE Code LUPIN Inst. Investors (%) 46.77 Promoters (%) 46.95
You can view the latest shareholding pattern for the company under two broad categories (Promoter & Non Promoters)
Pie Chart Line Chart
Shareholding Pattern as on 31/12/2024
Summary statement holding of specified securities
Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Shareholding as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
(A) Promoter & Promoter Group 12 214207514 214207514 46.95 46.95 214207514
(B) Public 281976 242027028 242027028 53.05 53.05 241473587
(C1) Shares underlying DRs 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
(C2) Shares held by Employee Trust 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
(C) Non Promoter-Non Public 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0
Grand Total 281988 456234542 456234542 100.00 100.00 455681101

Category of shareholder Nos. of shareholders No. of fully paid up equity shares held No. of shares underlying Depository Receipts Total nos. shares held Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957)As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form
Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
Individuals / Hindu Undivided Family 7 5725730 0 5725730 1.25 5725730
Manju D Gupta 1 3871162 0 3871162 0.85 3871162
Nilesh D Gupta 1 901064 0 901064 0.20 901064
Desh Bandhu Gupta HUF 1 647580 0 647580 0.14 647580
Kavita Gupta 1 200170 0 200170 0.04 200170
Veda Nilesh Gupta 1 74554 0 74554 0.02 74554
Neel Deshbandhu Gupta 1 29448 0 29448 0.01 29448
Shefali Nath Gupta 1 1752 0 1752 0.00 1752
Any Other (specify) 2 207195390 0 207195390 45.41 207195390
Lupin Investments Pvt Ltd 1 207194390 0 207194390 45.41 207194390
Manju D Gupta (As a Trustee of Gupta Family Trust) 1 1000 0 1000 0.00 1000
Sub Total9212921120021292112046.66212921120
Individuals (Non-Resident Individuals/ Foreign Individuals) 3 1286394 0 1286394 0.28 1286394
Anuja Gupta 1 725705 0 725705 0.16 725705
Vinita Gupta 1 327424 0 327424 0.07 327424
Richa Gupta 1 233265 0 233265 0.05 233265
Sub Total31286394012863940.281286394
Grand Total12214207514021420751446.94214207514
Public Shareholding
Mutual Funds 35 77208998 0 77208998 16.92 77206398
HDFC Trustee Company Ltd-HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund 1 15317131 0 15317131 3.36 15317131
ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund 1 11915892 0 11915892 2.61 11915892
Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd. A/c Nippon India Growth Fund 1 8662883 0 8662883 1.90 8662883
SBI Long Term Equity Fund 1 7429295 0 7429295 1.63 7429295
Axis Mutual Fund Trustee Limited A/C Axis Mutual Fund A/C Axis Midcap Fund 1 6302898 0 6302898 1.38 6302898
Mirae Asset Large and Midcap Fund 1 5484793 0 5484793 1.20 5484793
Insurance Companies 32 29230782 0 29230782 6.41 29230782
Life Insurance Corporation of India 1 10358336 0 10358336 2.27 10358336
HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited 1 6019275 0 6019275 1.32 6019275
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited 1 4800606 0 4800606 1.05 4800606
Provident Funds/ Pension Funds 1 5984417 0 5984417 1.31 5984417
Alternate Investment Funds 19 410574 0 410574 0.09 410574
NBFCs registered with RBI 4 2815 0 2815 0.00 2815
Banks 9 16156 0 16156 0.00 14656
Foreign Portfolio Investors Category I 810 96771661 0 96771661 21.21 96771661
Foreign Portfolio Investors Category II 51 3792202 0 3792202 0.83 3792202
Sub Total961213417605021341760546.77213413505
Any Others (Specify) 4031 774109 0 774109 0.17 771409
HUF 3894 541927 0 541927 0.12 541927
LLP 103 115205 0 115205 0.03 115205
Clearing Members 14 90724 0 90724 0.02 90724
Overseas Corporate Bodies 1 5000 0 5000 0.00 5000
Trusts 18 17553 0 17553 0.00 17553
Unclaimed or Suspense or Escrow Account 1 3700 0 3700 0.00 1000
Bodies Corporate 1109 1381607 0 1381607 0.30 1375607
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs 268030 23302619 0 23302619 5.11 22762378
Resident Individuals holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs 2 267300 0 267300 0.06 267300
Non Resident Indians (NRIs) 7793 1370754 0 1370754 0.30 1370354
Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) 1 786626 0 786626 0.17 786626
Directors and their relatives (excluding independent directors and nominee directors) 1 37232 0 37232 0.01 37232
Foreign Nationals 42 206562 0 206562 0.05 206562
Relatives of promoters (other than 'immediate relatives' of promoters disclosed under 'Promoter and Promoter Group' category) 3 446982 0 446982 0.10 446982
Sub Total281012285737910285737916.2728024450
Central Government / State Government(s) / President of India
Central Government / President of India 2 26032 0 26032 0.01 26032
State Government / Governor 1 9600 0 9600 0.00 9600
Sub Total3356320356320.0135632
Grand Total281976242027028024202702853.05241473587